Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm Moving

The time has come for me to move on to a new blogging platform. While blogspot has been great for me in the past, I felt that I needed a little more ability to set my template, I wanted more access to logging, and a little more control over the server. From now on, my blog will be hosted at If you follow my blog regularly, go ahead and join the new blog as a subscriber. I will no longer be updating I look forward to seeing you on the other side!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

ConnectIT Ad

Recently, I've been venturing outside of my norm and taking photographs of some really different subjects. The other day I photographed some jeans for a ConnectIT ad. The jeans work really well into the marketing message of the company. It was an enjoyable experience and I always like to stretch myself photographically when possible. I still like doing the nature bit, but this project was pretty cool.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Balancing Family, Life, and Photography

Canada Goose Profile

One of the things that I have found since becoming a father, is that it is can be difficult to find the time to capture images as I once did. In the past, I could leave and take photographs on a whim - I would look at the weather patterns, scout locations, and simply go if the conditions were right. Recently, I find that it just isn't that easy anymore - nor do I find myself as compelled previously. It's not that I don't have the same desire to photograph the world as I once did, it's just that there are times that I find myself in a field waiting for a sunset and I'd rather be home with my wife and daughter. My favorite times to photograph are when my daughter is with me and she is exploring the world, and I follow this exploration through my lens. This photograph is one such example. She loves to go see the ducks at Schramm State Recreation Area, and as such my collection of duck/bird photographs has increased considerably. By the way, she still thinks that Geese are ducks, although occasionally she will say "Geese!" to both geese and ducks. I try not to confuse her too much.

Our vacations have changed as well. We try to stick closer to home, and I've modified my schedule somewhat. I will still go out before sunrise to try and get that glorious morning shot, but the middle of my day is spent with activities with my family. I will still take photographs, but I really enjoy seeing how my daughter is reacting to her environment and the sights around her. I feel that my photography has evolved since she has come into the world - for the better. As I have said before, she has given me a new view of the world - I see things that before I may have passed over.

I will still continue to travel and photograph and I hope that as my daughter grows she will join me on these adventures. Who knows, maybe some day she'll pick up a camera and follow her daddy. All I know is that my life has changed and that I enjoy sharing the world with her. I continue to check out sunrises and sunsets, just sometimes it will be without a camera and with my daughter.

Canon 50d, 300 f/4l + 1.4tc, f/5.6, 1/125 sec.
Schramm State Recreation Area, Nebraska

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DeSoto Show, Postcards, and Screen Savers

Today is the first day of my show at DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge. This is going to run until the end of May, if you get an opportunity to visit this beautiful refuge be sure to take in a few (39) photographs as well. In addition to the show, I have produced 2 postcard designs and a screen saver that will be sold in the gift shop. These are nice 5x7 cards as shown above.

Directions and more information on DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge is available at:

Saturday, March 28, 2009

After the Rain

Today's image was taken the same day as yesterday's, just a little after. I moved to the right of the road and continued to use the widest angle to accentuate the length of the road.
The sun had just set and the clouds were picking up an intense magenta hue. I really wanted to show the sky as well, so I came close to cutting the image in half with the horizon, but cut the sky back a bit so it wasn't quite 50% of the image.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d Mark II, 17-40 f/4l @ 17mm, f/11, 1.6 sec., 3-stop Singh-Ray 2-stop Hard ND Grad
Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska

Friday, March 27, 2009

Early Spring Rain

A couple of days ago I returned to Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge after a soft spring rain to capture the clouds as they moved off from the storm. I always love the effects of this weather - the smell in the air, the reflecting puddles, and of course the light that can be captured right after a good rain. Here, a road that bisects part of the plain at the refuge had just been plowed and the rain left several nice puddles in the texture of the mud. I wanted to capture the road with the sky to give the full effect of the weather on this landscape so I used a vertical composition to elongate the road and accentuate the feel of the distance.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d Mark II, 17-40 f/4l @ 17mm, f/11, .4 sec., Singh-Ray 2-stop hard ND grad
Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gentle Meander - Outdoor Photographer

Yesterday I received my April issue of Outdoor Photographer and within its covers is an article I wrote with my photograph "Gentle Meander". It is a piece on Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge near Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska. In the next couple of days I will post a couple of new images from this park.

This article can also be read online at: