Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Blossoms (Spring Is Here)

It appears that spring has made it to Omaha, Nebraska, and just in time for Earth Day. As a result I went to the arboretum with my macro lens to capture some blossoms in bloom. I used a shallow Depth of Field to capture a dreamy look to this bud.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 50 CM lens + extension tube, f/3.2, 1/1600 sec.
OPPD Arboretum

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Painting in the Sky

Today's simple image reminded me of a painter's canvas with small white brush strokes on a blue canvas.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 50 CM, f/8, 1/50 sec.
Outside My Window, Omaha, NE

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Swift Fox

Continuing on with images from my weekend excursion to the zoo, is this image of a swift fox from the desert dome. While he was napping, he was aware of me, although obviously not too concerned.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 70-200 f/4l + 1.4 tc, f/5.6, 1/125 sec.
Henry Doorly Zoo, Omaha, Nebraska

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at

Monday, April 14, 2008

Glowing Tentacles

One of my favorite areas at the local zoo is the aquarium. Here I can always find intriguing sea life that I may never see natively, and would be less likely to photograph. In several small tanks there are little creatures that I use my macro lens to capture. I am not quite sure what this critter is, but I liked the patterns in the floating "tenatcles". I used a shallow depth of field to create more of an abstract composition.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 50 CM lens, f/2.5, 1/250 sec.
Henry Doorly Zoo

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Tye and Brenda

Last Wednesday I had the opportunity to photograph Tye and Brenda for their engagement photographs. We went to the arboretum and used several of the areas for backdrops, and I kept a shallow depth of field to focus on Tye and Brenda. In the above photograph these bushes were just starting to bloom and the yellow created a nice bright background, but not too bright to eclipse the cute couple. In the photograph below, I tilted the camera a bit to add something to the photograph, converted it to black and white and did a little platinum tinting for the final touch.

Technical Details:
Above: Canon 5d, 70-200 f/4l @ 200mm, f/4.5, 1/160 sec.
Below: Canon 5d, 70-200 f/4l @ 98mm, f/4, 1/400 sec.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Field of Trees

This past weekend I delivered 38 of my framed prints to DeSoto National Wildilfe Refuge to be on display from April 12-June 7. While there I took the opportunity to drive around the refuge and to hike a little. The patterns in this particular grove of trees has always interested me and I took some time to stop and photograph them. After processing this photograph I used the nik "Monday Morning" filter to give it a more surreal appearance.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 17-40 f/4l @ 17mm, f/9, 1/100 sec.
DeSoto National Wildilfe Refuge

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Dark Road

Today's image was taken at Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge. There was a section of the road that passed through a tunnel of trees and it was a very foreboding type passage. I used a smaller depth of field in order to intentionally blur the foreground to force one's eye down the road. To accentuate the uneasy feeling, I converted the image to black and white, tinted it with a little red, green, and yellow, and then I used the nik "Midnight" filter. This creates an even more ominous environment.

The original photograph:

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 70-200 f/4l @ 200, f/5, 1/1250 sec.
Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Touch of the Old World

This is an image of the Giralda Tower near the Cheesecake Factory in The Plaza in Kansas City. It is a 138 foot replica of a tower that is in Seville, Spain. Since this tower was built in the 1920's and had an old world feel, I converted this image to black and white and then gave it a bit of a brown tint. I also used OnOne's PhotoFrame program to frame the image with an old film type emulsion frame.

This is the original black and white converted image:

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 70-200 f/4l @ 73mm, f/10, 1/1250 sec.
The Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Forboding Faces

While going through my photographs from the Plaza, I came across an image of a fountain from that area. It was essentially a black and white image, but I decided to do something a little different. I tinted the image slightly green and used the "Poster Edges" Photoshop filter (under artistic) to give it a forboding comic book feel. The before an after conversion:

Some trivia: Besides Rome, Kansas City has the most fountains of any city.

Technical Details:
Canon 5d, 70-200 f/4l lens @ 145mm, f/10, 1/800 sec.
The Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri

To view other photographs, order this photograph as a print, or purchase licensing rights, please visit my website at